Encaustic is a beeswax-based paint comprised of beeswax, damar resin and powdered pigments. It is applied molten and then reheated in order to fuse the paint onto the surface and create an enamel-like finish.
Greek artists practiced encaustic painting as far back as 5th century BC. In the 20th century, due to new electric heating implements, encaustic painting is once again taking its place as a major artist’s medium. It is the most durable medium as it is impervious to moisture.

My new series of paintings, Beneath the Surface, is a balance of trusting my instincts and controlling the encaustic. I let the wax flow and then manipulate it by re- heating until the image takes form. By the use of multiple layers of translucent wax I build up the surface until I achieve the color, sense of movement and molten texture that are important components of my work; provoking viewers to regard seascapes and landscapes in unexpected new ways.

In my collage and encaustic work, Fractured History, I am melding encaustic with collage and found objects. The juxtaposition of these materials creates a tension between old and new that I find provocative.

With my series of Trees and Pods, I am exploring my fascination with shapes and contours of an ever changing and universal combination of elements.